Saturday, August 17, 2013

20 DIY Beauty Tips: Vaseline Uses 1) Make your eyelashes grow 2) Make your scent stay 3) Hide split ends 4) to keep unwanted nail polish off your skin while painting your nails!

#Photography by Marcelka #beauty #beach session
#Photography by Marcelka #beauty #beach session
So true
So true
love those waves
love those waves
peanut butter ice cream + brown butter graham cracker crumbs
peanut butter ice cream + brown butter graham cracker crumbs
20 DIY Beauty Tips: Vaseline Uses 1) Make your eyelashes grow 2) Make your scent stay 3) Hide split ends 4) to keep unwanted nail polish off your skin while painting your nails!
20 DIY Beauty Tips: Vaseline Uses 1) Make your eyelashes grow 2) Make your scent stay 3) Hide split ends 4) to keep unwanted nail polish off your skin while painting your nails!

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